Latest Global AIS Coverage map

Here is the latest snapshot of our worldwide AIS coverage broken down into 0.25 degree squares. Zoom in to see the detail. We have recently added coverage for the whole of Finland, Norway and Denmark, the Black and Red Seas, Istanbul, The Suez canal and the Panama canal (East) and mucg improved coverage around the UK and IE. We are now showing over 50,000 live ship positions per hour; amongst the best in the industry. We only use real time data. We do not use satellite data which can be several hours behind real item like some other AIS services do.

We also record all the AIS messages and store them for ever. We have global time stamped AIS data going back to 2014. If you would like to use our live or historic AIS data please contact us at


New AIS Aerial in the Caribbean on St Barts

Our latest AIS aerial  on St Barthelemy in the Caribbean has just gone live. If only I could go out and test it! Thanks to Emmanuel at Jicky Marine Service

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Our AIS aerial on top of Jicky Marine Service’s office.

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Jicky Marine’s office from the other side of the Harbour


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Plan of Gustavia  looking from the land side out to sea (North is bottom right) showing the office location.







Improved Live AIS coverage in Australia for Boat Beacon and Boat Watch

Thanks to the help of the Australian Volunteer Coastguard (AVCG) and Australian Navigation and Communications company, Electrotech we now have much improved real-time AIS coverage in Australia.

9 new stations are feeding us AIS data live directly from Sydney, Brisbane (3), Gladstone, Melbourne, Karratha, Cairns and Darwin.

We have been working on a pro-bono basis with the AVCG  in Mooloolaba, Brisbane to provide enhancements to Boat Beacon to support their world leading computer based Radio logging service. Boat Beacon now enables users to automatically “login” their boat and trip details including MMSI, Destination, ETA and Persons on board when they start a trip and “logout” again when they arrive by simply tapping the Boat Beacon Sailboat icon at the bottom left to start and stop sailing mode. We have provided these enhancements for free and AVCG , Mooloolaba are recommending Boat Beacon for use with  their Radio logging service (click the link to see the video about it).



Here’s a screenshot from Boat Beacon showing the Alexander Passenger ship right now in  Sydney, last update 20s ago!