Want to take compass bearings with your iPhone or Android device? Want a compass that doesn’t change its reading when the boat rocks? Compass Eye gives you this and more!
Compass Eye is designed to help navigate at sea and can be used much like a pair of Compass Binoculars.
Designed by a skipper for skippers, it can also be used on land as a bearing/marching compass and as it’s fully Gimballed; in the air too. Hold the iPhone vertically in landscape orientation to view where you are going and the bearings. You can also lay the iPhone flat to see the whole compass rose and heading on a live Google map.
Practical Boat Owner Magazine – “..works impressively well, even on a moving boat..”
Shortly after its introduction, Compass Eye was chosen as Gizmodo’s App Of the Day
To buy Compass Eye, visit the AppStore or Google PlayStore today.
- Real time, accurate in all orientations
- Compass overlaid on live camera view
- 8x Digital zoom
- Back, transit, or collision bearing marker
- Draggable Green and red bearing lines
- Triangulation bearings
- Optional time, date and GPS location information.
- Magnetic or True North setting with variation based on location
- Live map view with position and track.
- Infra-red night vision and through fog with FLIR ONE
Enabling GPS also shows the Speed Over Ground (SOG) and Course Over Ground (COG)
Based on an iPhone 6 camera the image specification at full zoom compares with a 7×50 pair of binoculars:-
- Field of Vision at 1000m at 8x: 122m
- Angle of view at 8x: approx 7 degrees (similar to a 7×50 binocular)
- Low ISO 80 or better.

Compass Eye requires an iOS or Android device with back facing Camera, Magnetometer and accelerometer (GPS is optional).
Please refer to our FAQ for answers to many more questions on Compass Eye.
iPhone support and FAQ
or please email us at Pocket Mariner